Санкт Петербург 19 марта, 2023 - 11:04
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Уоррен Баффет

please a little

Hello, my dear unknown Warren Buffett! This is my first time writing, and I wanted to ask for a little help if this letter reaches you. I will be very glad if it reaches you and you answer me. I would like to ask for a little financial help to create a small apartment, let it be one-room, but my own, I am no longer small and not young, I am already a Wife and Mother of my three children who are silent and together we create comfort in our house which we have been renting for 7 years, thanks to the people who have tolerated us these years, although we pay everything in time for rent, my husband and I try to devote every salary and every work to our family and I would like to feel a little happiness like others , that our children also had their own room and that they were also not in anything , but thank Allah they are alive and well and this is the most important thing, so that relatives and friends are close by, this is important, when I lost my parents, it was very hard for me, during these years I still can't believe what I went through and this is my destiny and my life, but I am strong, I am brave, I'm wise, but for some reason I can't get higher, We work and earn to pay off debts and loans, that's how it has become to live now, all prices are rising and everything is getting more expensive, We don't live, but exist! If I write, it will turn out to be a very big story of my life, although I wanted to write a book about my life, I'm not complaining, I'm happy, I had the most wonderful parents, but life has distributed that they should be near Allah, as they say, good people are also needed there. I am a Kazakh . I do not know who to turn to and from whom to ask for help, we would at least have a one-room apartment, but my own roof over my head, my family would be very happy, we have such debts that we are getting more and more that we cannot get out of this hole, who would hear me, I do not know, but I really ask for at least a little help and from the bottom of my heart.my name is Gulnaz, it's a cry of the soul, yes I know there are people who need more than Me, maybe there is a miracle


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2 недели Обращение

Вотв таком мусоре гуляют наши детки.

Просим оказать помощь беженцам и мигрантам с Украины. Необходимы продукты, вещи, одежда и обувь, школьникам и пожилым людям.

Если нужно выступить в вашем репортаже я готов!

Пусть у всех все будет хорошо

Спасибо Богу, что остались живые, но сейчас я в таких долгах и не могу позволить себе купить телефон

Да где только не писал, но увы долги растут, а добрых людей так и нет. Время видать уже не то, или люди все уже бедно живут. Всеравно надежда была.

3 недели Помогите

Забыла сказать ещё не успела раздать животных. И где можно снять дом от 20000 рублей может и по этому просят за несколько месяцев

Как легко в наше дикое рыночное время украсть обмануть за 5 минут и практически не возможно защитить себя от жуликов и мошенников в рамках Закона.

Здравствуйте дорогой Андрей Малахов.
Очень нравиться ваша передача,смотрю каждые выходные.Если пропускаю передачу ,смотрю на работе .

Согласна с каждым словом.


В данном контексте мне не понравилось отношение к другим детям, что значит круг общения ,лицеисты это что голубая кровь! Если Вы поступили в лицей, то Вы особенные!