Hello Mark! I bought my dream apartment 8 years ago. One of the main criteria why I chose this apartment is the fact that the street on which the block is located ends with a forest. The forest is our green paradise, where my children and other neighbours' children play, 12 children in total. For eight years we have been taking care of this green place, with the consent of the owner, of the land on which the forest is located, we have also planted many trees. The only problem is that the land will be auctioned. It will only be bought for the purpose of cutting down the forest and building housing blocks. The area we are in is the historical centre of Brasov. There is still a small island of forest left, which is now being cleared. The construction of new blocks of flats on our street will make life extremely difficult for hundreds of people, because it will also create a lot of congestion. But the biggest pain is that the forest, the green area, our green paradise will be destroyed. I kindly, cordially ask you to intervene and buy those lands (2 lands), you personally to be the owner on which the forest is located with the purpose of protecting and preserving the green area. You will bring a lot of joy in the life not only of many people, but you will also contribute to the green image of this beautiful city in the heart of Transylvania, Brasov. You can see a video presentation of this wonderful city by clicking on the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwNtlYX_iYM If you will watch the video the land I am talking about is near the citadel, which is very well seen in the video. I don't know how I will be able to contact you, but if you get to read my message, you can write me on my email address: loghin.dumitru@gmail.com I will also send you some pictures of the area and the forest. Thank you! Sincerely, Dima
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