Russia 5 мая, 2020 - 13:37
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Jeff Bezos

Looking for investers for the School of System Thinking

Good day Mr. Bezos!

My name is Merinova Valentina. I am a founder of project "Great and Happy people". I have a School of system thinkin for adults in Moscow, Russia. The programme of our school is based on the great books of Gregory Bateson "The ecology of Mind", Alfred Korzybski "Science and sanity", Merab Mamardashvili. We help people to change thinking, find their true calling, integratе body and mind. We think that this, system way of thinking and living can help stop collapsing the planet today.

We are now also opening a school of system thinking for kids. In this scool people, called kids will have a chace to learn the way they want and interested in, no to receive the ready answers, but find them by theirselfs. Live now, not in the future, where goals are reached. We grow responsibility by showing the example of responsible adults every day without words, responsibility not only for my personal life, but for the ecology at all.

We help to understand how body, mind and planet works and sure that creates a new world wouthout chronic disease and distruction of the plannet and mind. We think that what is happenning in the world now is a consequence of not understanding the relationship of everythin to everything and working with joy creating a new way of thinking which cosequence a new better world, where poeple creates new foms of living, live in contact with body and mind, involved and interested in thier calling and live without hate and maximizaition of their personals goals.

We are now looking for investers for our project "The schoole of system thinking", who wants to take part in this Great project. For now we are lack of 100 000 dollars to start first school. If you want to take part in canging our world today, we will be really happy.

For any quiestions you may contact me: here or directly +79160079612 (call, whatsap, telegram)

Merinova Valentina,
The School of system Thinking


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