8 февраля, 2021 - 16:50
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Bill Gates

I want to open a clinic strictly with one focus - the treatment of congenital heart diseases for kids

My son was born with several very complex heart defects. All the best doctors of our country refused to undergo surgery. In one of the most expensive clinics in the country, they did not refuse us, they said that they would have an operation. But my son died before the operation in the intensive care unit of the best clinic in Uzbekistan "Akfa Medline". Perhaps they simply did not want to take him to the operation, knowing that they would not be able to successfully carry out the operation. God knows him.

I want to open a clinic strictly with one focus - the treatment of congenital heart diseases for kids. I want to give a chance to every child born with a heart defect. Regardless of whether the parents have the opportunity to pay for the operation or not. Imagine your child in a situation where you cannot pay for his operation, and only because of this no one will operate on him, and he will die. Or your child will have such a severe heart defect that they will not even be brought to the operation, so as not to spoil the reputation of the clinic or the reputation of the doctor, and he die. I went through this and do not wish it to anyone.

I only need an investor, and I will take over the whole process, from the first brick of a hospital to a professional cardiac surgeon.

Let's together help all children with congenital heart disease whose parents cannot afford the operation. Think how many children's lives we can save.

I live in Uzbekistan, in the city of Tashkent.
My phone number: +998974486848


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2 недели Обращение

Вотв таком мусоре гуляют наши детки.

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Да где только не писал, но увы долги растут, а добрых людей так и нет. Время видать уже не то, или люди все уже бедно живут. Всеравно надежда была.

4 недели Помогите

Забыла сказать ещё не успела раздать животных. И где можно снять дом от 20000 рублей может и по этому просят за несколько месяцев

Как легко в наше дикое рыночное время украсть обмануть за 5 минут и практически не возможно защитить себя от жуликов и мошенников в рамках Закона.

Здравствуйте дорогой Андрей Малахов.
Очень нравиться ваша передача,смотрю каждые выходные.Если пропускаю передачу ,смотрю на работе .

Согласна с каждым словом.


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