13 февраля, 2018 - 09:46
Открытое письмо
Биллу Гейтсу

help me please

Hello Bill Gates! My name is Aimkyl. I read a lot of good things about you on the Internet and decided to ask you for help too! And suddenly I will be lucky in the end and you will not pass by my request

I am the mother-heroine of six children. Soltonbaeva Ayymkul Sheishenovna, a Russian citizen. I am 61 years old. I have a third child - a disabled child of the II group. He is now 35 years old and has five children of his own. His family is extremely poor. Pension at the son of 11000 rubles, she at all does not allow to contain its 5 children. The financial burden of securing it hangs on me. His wife is a housewife, she does not work anywhere, she is sitting with the children, the youngest of whom is 3 years old. Earlier we lived in Russia, Rubtsovka, rented an apartment. But it became very difficult, that's why we returned to our native Kyrgyzstan. In the house of the eldest son, where the whole of our huge friendly family now lives, which consists of 30 people, that is, all my children with their spouses and grandchildren. We have since 2015 standing in line for municipal housing on the 850th line. For three years, our turn has not moved even one position. In the preferential line stood at 475 place. The same situation - for three years did not come close to any position.

I try my best to make money (on the market as a implementer), but they are enough only for food. And my grandchildren need first of all housing, as well as good education, development, entertainment. My grandchildren do not see anything. And without your corner, you realize how hard it is. Children themselves feel very bad, experience daily psychological stress and this affects their health and development. I so want to help my son, buy a separate house, but my earned money for t I have worked all my life in the trade of women's clothing. I know very well the market, popular models. I want to build my own production for fashionable, topical women's clothing. With my knowledge and experience, I am confident that I will have an excellent profitable production, through which I could get out of the pit of poverty, provide my children and grandchildren with decent living and education, while I still have strength.
I ask you, if possible, to provide us with financial assistance. We really need it very much, and we hope that you will not refuse, you will sympathize with us.
his will never be enough


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2 месяца Обращение

Боюсь не успею в этой жизни получить своё жильё!

Помогите найти сына

Правильно город добавить не смог, выскакивает список городов, и не дает дописать поселок, Миасское, это райцентр наш, а я в 40 км от него, п. Луговой.

Я приехала отдыхать в Архипку. Я была уверена, что до моря можно доехать автобусом или маршруткой. До моря по жаре в горку с горки идти - это еще тот подвиг.

Требуем отменить Указ о повышении пенсионного возраста в стране, женщинам с 60 лет, мужчинам с 65 лет. Вы знаете, что в стране и включая в Москве невозможно людям найти работу уже с 50 ти лет ?!

Необходимо срочно вернуть пенсионный возраст гражданам в стране

1.Я подал Заявку на изобретение в Федеральную службу по интеллектуальной собственности РФ, в Федеральный институт промышленной собственности.

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Здравствуйте, Татьяна Николаевна
Прошу Вас пожалуйста включить в список по обмену военнопленных СВО, моего брата Баньковского Константина Юрьевича 22.07.1983г.р.

Именим Аллаха прошу вас помочь

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