Krasnodar 2 марта, 2020 - 21:36
Открытое письмо
Jeff Bezos

Просьба о помощи

Hello ma huateng, I am writing you a real letter with the hope of help in my difficult life situation.

Honestly, it’s very difficult to tell a stranger about problems, but life makes you try to solve problems in all possible and sometimes impossible ways.

My son and I found ourselves in a difficult life situation, in 2019, my son's mother and my wife at that time left us and left with a person convicted of murder, drugs in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, later it turned out that the ex-wife converted to Islam and used quite probably potent substances.

In August 2019, she was deprived of parental rights.

We had a jointly acquired property, an apartment, and which we are now sharing as a result.

In order to support my family (Son, Mother, Father), I took out a loan from VTB Bank in the amount of 700,000 rubles, which to this day I pay monthly in the amount of 18,200 rubles per month, but now the moment has come when I no longer have the strength and ability to pay it . I planned to direct the remainder of the funds after dividing the jointly acquired property into partial repayment of this loan, but life forces me to spend it on my family.

As a result, my son and I were left without housing and with loans that are no longer possible to pay.

I work as a private lawyer and it’s not always possible to earn enough to provide for my family and pay a loan, sometimes it’s very difficult.

I ask you to read this letter, and help my family get out of the debt hole.

In any case, thank you very much for your attention, the world is not without good people.

Sincerely, Sergey Viktorovich Tkachev

+7 (989) 212-09-99


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Согласна с каждым словом.


В данном контексте мне не понравилось отношение к другим детям, что значит круг общения ,лицеисты это что голубая кровь! Если Вы поступили в лицей, то Вы особенные!