Таджикистан 26 июля, 2021 - 08:28
Открытое письмо
Мохаммед ибн Рашид Аль Мактум

Письмо матери

Dear Sheikh Mohammed ibn Rashid Al Maktoum Emir of Dubai, Prime Minister and Vice President of the United Arab Emirates.

My name is Dilorom Narzullaeva,
I am from Tajikistan, teacher of English, retired
Of course You will be surprised at my letter. I can’t dare to appeal to you, but I do hope You will pay attention to a letter of mother who is in despair.
Your Excellency, I will not take much time of a Governor, who always thinks of health and wealth of his country.
I will try to describe the reason of my addressing to You.
My son Juraev Alisher from 2009 till 2017 worked in the bank called “Tojprombank” as a cashier, Spitamen district, Sugd region; Tajikistan.
The director of bank was Hodjieva Marhabo whose son Hodjiev Daler (mob. tel. +971557147889 ) and her daughter Farzona Niyazova live in Dubai, in your country in the country of great opportunities (the smaller daughter Fariza Rafikzoda lives in Turkey). Hodjieva Marhabo deciding to provide a brilliant future for her children by criminal ways made several money – orders from Tajikistan to UAE not thinking that she will have to answer before the God and before the Court for her swindle actions.
What she did! All her expenses and needs of her children were covered by money stolen from bank. A great amount of money is taken from bank without any documents.
Now she is in prison. By slander and lie she puts her guilt on the shoulders of all her former bank works, among them is my son. I can’t imagine myself the life of my son in prison, who is absolutely innocent. And she knows it but goes on blackening him.
No, I don’t complain on our investigative bodies. They do their work. Neither they nor my son can prove his innocence, because she insists in her slander as if she the accountant the cashier (my son) were in cahoots with her.
What do I ask for? Her children happily living in your rich country have their properties and business. How a young simple man like her son obtained it? By the criminal support of his mother! He is in Tajikistan now and he even is not interested in the state of his mother. Now his son’s duty is to contribute the money spent on him. The only way for his mother, former accountant of the bank and my son is to give back the money spent on him and his sisters. They have to do it. If not they leave greatly guilty before the God and before my son, before me whose sleepless nights are full of tears and pain.
Your Excellency, excuse me but You are a single man who will hear my cry of help and make Hodjieva’s children to give the money back (they know the sum of it) to bank and bring freedom to their mother who stepped on the way of crime because of them, a very poor accountant threatening whom she made to sign false documents and my son who is the single worker in our family-our grandfather who is 96 now, I, my husband, Alisher’s wife and his two children. By the laws of our country three of them will be set free as soon as the money is deposited and given back to their owners, those who put their money into the bank.
If he doesn’t want to save the situation he is not honorable to live in your country.
You’re Excellency; once more excuse me for my sudden and unusual letter to You.
With great love to you country
And great-great respect to You
Narzullaeva Dilorom,
Spitamen district,
Sugd region, Tajikistan
tel. +992 92 806 25 35
E-mail: nmutabar@inbox.ru
As for me I only pray, pray and pray.
If my letter touched your heart I’ll be the happiest mother in the world.
Excuse me that I dared to write to You.


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1 неделя Обращение

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Если нужно выступить в вашем репортаже я готов!

Пусть у всех все будет хорошо

Спасибо Богу, что остались живые, но сейчас я в таких долгах и не могу позволить себе купить телефон

Да где только не писал, но увы долги растут, а добрых людей так и нет. Время видать уже не то, или люди все уже бедно живут. Всеравно надежда была.

3 недели Помогите

Забыла сказать ещё не успела раздать животных. И где можно снять дом от 20000 рублей может и по этому просят за несколько месяцев

Как легко в наше дикое рыночное время украсть обмануть за 5 минут и практически не возможно защитить себя от жуликов и мошенников в рамках Закона.

Здравствуйте дорогой Андрей Малахов.
Очень нравиться ваша передача,смотрю каждые выходные.Если пропускаю передачу ,смотрю на работе .

Согласна с каждым словом.


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